The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Steamboat anniversary get-away..

Brent and I celebrated TEN years of marriage last summer!!!  So hard for us to believe.  We finally managed to get away for a weekend in Steamboat without the kids, and we really had a nice time together.  We hiked the first day and saw some cool waterfalls along the way and at our destination--and Brent has figured out by now that I'm all about hiking to an exciting destination--and I was glad to be doing my second hike of the summer.  (My ankle injury has prevented me from doing lots of fun exercising this summer, unfortunately.)

We went on a lovely bike ride on the second day--after devouring a cinnamon roll the size of our plates in the same morning, might I add--and I so enjoyed being able to share in my man's main hobby on the awesome road bike that he bought me.  I wish that we could do that more often.  And this picture with my funny smile was taken in our hotel room.  We stayed in such a nice place (The Steamboat Grand), and I felt like moving in after just one night.  The key features were a king sized bed (foreign to us), fire place and jacuzzi bath tub.  Calgon, take me once a month or so :)  I'm so glad that we got to get away and re-connect to celebrate our anniversary. 


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