The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, October 29, 2012

REI adventures...

My dear friend, Tanya, and I often meet at REI downtown because it's a good midway point. There's a great walking and biking path from REI to the Children's Museum--where there's a great park--and this particular day I brought Gage's bike with us.  The issue was, as I recall, that Gage was the only biker in the group, so the pace to the park was too varied to provide good catch up time among the moms, which is the main point of our visits most of the time.  But, it was fun to watch the boys play together once we arrived (and we did, in fact, arrive)...just in time to hit the trail again to make sure that I could get back to school to pick up Gavin.  :)  Ah, the life of the "stay-at-home" mother. 


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