The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm a pilgrim...

Here's Gavin in his adorable pilgrim hat around Thanksgiving time.  Our eldest son has become quite the little arts and crafter.  (That's a new term that you're probably just not familiar with.)  I love having a son who loves to draw, paint, cut, decorate, tape, glue and create.  I recognize that that is a real blessing, considering I have two sons and I could very well have ended up with just bikers and climbers (which they both are), but they both also appreciate art...and I appreciate that about them.  Just today Gavin proudly entrusted his cousin with his most recent sketch pad, long enough for a car ride during which she was able to view his a different car.  She had no idea what a big deal this was for him--or how adorable I thought the whole thing was--but I was smiling inside and out.  Oh, how we mothers ponder these things in our hearts, and often we're the only ones around to see and hear them anyway.  What a privilege, really.  Lord, help me to keep this perspective. 


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