The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Hearty-felt visit...

This is one of my oldest and dearest friends, Sarah (Hearty) Price with her twin daughters, Violet (in my arms) and Julianna, at her mom's house in South Boulder.  (We natives who were here at the beginning don't usually refer to this part of town as "Sobo," though many newbies do.)  It was so strange and wonderful to see Sarah as a mother.  It seemed so natural, as if she'd been doing it for ages. And so sad to me that our kids will grow up without knowing one another the way we grew up in each other's back yards.  Sarah and her husband, David, live in Portland, Oregon, which I do have to admit--if they're going to live out of state at all--is a very fun place to visit.  It's so neat to see them as parents now.  Welcome to the party!

And, speaking of parties, we brought all of ours, and poor Grandma Hearty hardly knew what to do with so much boy energy in the house.  Bless her heart, all but one of her grandkids are girls (and the boy is still a baby) so we tried to move the party outdoors as quickly as possible.  Boys and girls really are so different, aren't they? 


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