The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas at the Toppings'...

This picture captured the few moments of perplexion (is that a word?) before the new Christmas toy was promptly broken.  One waya of solving a total mystery is to break the thing altogether so that no mystery remains.  Had you considered that option before?  Write to our dear Gavin if you have questions about this technique.

One of Gage's gifts from Grandma and Grandpa was a new set of clear Magnatiles to add to his existing sets.  Both boys make the coolest things out of these, and the more you have the cooler things you can make.

The kids all got fun animal towels, too.  Gage is our little lion, and below you can see Gavin (the penguin) with his cousins, Madison (unicorn) and Sarah (butterfly).  These kids are all growing up so fast!


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