Gavin: One of the Bears...
These pictures were taken at one of Gavin's soccer practices. In the one above, he's practicing a throw-in (right term?) from the side, and in the bottom shot he's dribbling the ball between the cones. Gavin loves his Bears class and the three great coaches who are helping him to become a better soccer player. His class is on Tuesdays from 5-6, and since Gage can never last at that hour of the day, I've resorted to feeding him dinner during Gavin's soccer practice and putting him into his footy pajamas right then and there. And all but one time so far, Gage has fallen asleep on the drive home...almost instantly, in fact. This is what happens when he refuses a nap during the day YET STILL NEEDS ONE: bed time at 6:30 p.m. Then he transfers like a champ once we're at home and, generally speaking, sleeps the rest of the night...or at least as "well" as he would given any other circumstances.
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