Santa train in Georgetown...
One weekend in December we headed to Georgetown...
...and boarded the Santa Train. Our boys don't know a whole lot about Santa or Mrs. Claus, so watching them interact with them on the train was pretty classic. Not quite like the kids across from us who were requesting very specific items on their Christmas lists.
The boys loved it! I loved knowing that we were all doing something that they would love. Isn't that a great part about being a parent!?
"Wow!" was a common utterance for Gage that day. He just couldn't believe that we were actually on a train!
We had cheaper tickets for the cars in the back, and that was great for us because the boys could move around that way. Besides Mr. & Mrs. Claus, the elves also visited and served everyone cookies. And the boys received candy canes upon their departure, which they thought was extra cool. I was into the hot chocolate from the station, of course, but it was so hot that the kids couldn't really enjoy much of it. Funny to me how my husband can pass on all of this and not think twice about it. Must be nice...kind of. I'm sure that my waistline would thank me, but I just love experiencing the flavors of every season.
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