The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas with the Wills'...

Gavin is marveling at his new, GREEN (very important in his world) bike helmet from Grammie and Papa.  Beyond just being functional, it's so cute on his little head.

This year Mom invited a friend of hers, Jeanie, to join us for Christmas.  I was hesitant (and selfish) to add someone new to our brood, but Jeanie fit right in.  It was fun to have her there. 

Both boys got CU jerseys from Uncle Zachie (only fitting) and Auntie Lorna and insisted on wearing them immediately. 

Here are Jim and his son, Rick, talking it over between presents.  Doesn't it look light Santa is growing right out of Jim's head?

So serious!  I don't remember if they were watching others open their gifts (unlikely) or just zoning out to a TV show.  Whatever they were doing, they're my sweet, little CU Buff fans.  Must be because I take football so darn seriously, too.  :)


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