Could Gage be any cuter?! Answer: NO! These are pictures of a fun hike I took with the boys in South Boulder. An easy but beautiful trail we always love is the one up in Shanahan Ridge.
Can you see that they're trying to show you their thumbs like Devil's Thumb behind them in the mountains? It seems like a lifetime ago that my brother and I were growing up in Devil's Thumb (the neighborhood in South Boulder), just taking for granted our beautiful surroundings with the big rock thumb in the background.
Gavin is pointing out the enormous bug on Gage's back, and might I take this chance to say just how BRAVE our little Gage really is. When I told him recently that it's best to stand still when bees come around, I didn't really expect him to take my advice so literally and follow it SO well. He stood as still as a statue and waited patiently for the bee to buzz away while Mama was about to throw down on the bumble business at any second...forget the advice I'd given him.
I love this picture. For me, it captures the wonder and simplicity of being a kid.
Perhaps the thing I love most about hiking with my boys is watching them together in that venue. It's one of the few places where they don't fight and really enjoy the adventure
together. This picture reminds me how much I want to prioritize hiking and just make it part of our family culture.
Thank you, Lord, for giving us all an appreciation of your creation and for giving us these fun family memories together. And for allowing us to live in such a place where we can take advantage of this beauty SO close to home on a regular basis.