The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Decisions, decisions...

It's funny to look back on this crazy not-so-white board now.  Back in March, I interviewed for a part-time Spanish position at a local charter school called Prospect Ridge Academy (PRA), and when they finally called back in July (yes, you read that right) we were thrown for a major loop.  I had, by then, dismissed the idea of going back to work, and we had assumed that Gavin would be attending our neighborhood school while Gage stayed at Apple Tree.  PRA had recently hired a secondary principal, Adam, as the school was expanding to a K-8 (and soon a K-12), so Adam picked up the ball that had been dropped back in March and was making calls during the summer to fill the part-time Spanish position.  The way their elective schedule works, they needed someone who could teach at least two of the three elective blocks, and the only thing that made sense was to teach 5th and 6th periods since they'd be back-to-back.  BUT that meant re-configuring EVERYTHING we thought we had figured out for our boys' school scenarios, hence the messy not-so-white board above.

Brent and I sat down for over an hour and discussed every possible scenario with three different school choices for Gavin, including the possibility of having Gavin at PRA with me.  (This especially excited Brent since he had attended their open house and felt like the school could be a great fit for Gavin.)  The first major problem was that, by teaching in the dead center of the day (11-1), I wouldn't be available for pick-up or afternoon drop-off if we chose that route.  And we had only been considering half-day Kindergarten for Gavin up to that point.  And then there was the money.  We'd have to pay more if we put Gavin in full-day Kindergarten and if we had to put Gage in enrichment three days a week when I was working. And we'd have to find a good place for Gage to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays while I worked when he wasn't in school.  Some of the time on the white board consisted of us trying to make sure that I would make it out ahead after the new added expenses, and the proposed salary (based on .3 FTE) was, truthfully, a disappointment.

Honestly, when I look back on this and remember all of the "issues" that there were to consider, I was willing to toss in the towel and just say that it was too hard to make it all work.  There were too many pieces to fit in the puzzle.  BUT Brent seemed determined to make it work somehow, and then God started helping us with all of the scattered pieces of the crazy puzzle.  Our neighbor was willing to watch Gage, and he and Vince (their son who's almost the same age as Gage) have become the best of buds.  Full-day Kindergarten has been a good choice for Gavin, though it wasn't the one I was going to make in the beginning.  We knew that I'd have to go back to work at some point, and though this is earlier than I expected to, it seemed like a good time to get in the door, working minimally (if there is such a thing in education), in a new school with a great reputation...SO now I'm learning to balance working and being a mom.  It's been good/hard/stimulating/unexpected/challenging/fun/busy all at the same time.  There's a lot there...with one picture of a messy white board.


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