The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July festivities...

An extra fun thing that happened locally this year on the 4th was Face--our favorite, local acapella group, featuring a buddy from Fairview--performing live at the Broomfield Commons Park right around the corner from our house.  They were great, as usual, and we had front-row seats!!

And, as always, we watched the fantastic fireworks display from the best seats in the house: seats outside of our house!!!  In the middle of the street with our neighbors.  No crowds, no overpriced carnival shenanigans, just good old-fashioned fireworks the way you like 'em.  

Gage is smiling his GIANT smile on the left, and I was looking for the rest of us when I realized that this is actually a great picture of our neighbors ;) but not us.  The little boy on the far right of the picture, Vince, has become a great friend to our Gage, and the boys play together lots since Gage goes over to our neighbors' house twice a week when I'm working.


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