The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gavin's 1st Lost Tooth!

It's hard to believe that our little men are getting so big these days.  Here is Gavin after he lost his first tooth.  He wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy saying "Dear Tooth Fairy, I lost my first tooth today.  Love Gavin".  He truly did lose the tooth, as we are not quite sure what happened to it.  He was running around in the Garage while eating some food and realized it was gone.  I guess he either swallowed it or it fell out somewhere along the way.  He was actually a bit embarrassed by this fact, but w did our best to comfort him.  After a nights sleep with the note under his pillow, I believe the Tooth Fairy still visited him.  Funny enough, he tried to later trick the Tooth Fairy and put other notes and fake teeth under his pillow to see if the tooth fairy would visit him again.  I guess the Tooth Fairy is too experienced to fall for such tricks...


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