The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, August 29, 2014

Butterfly Pavilion...

Gage has never gotten over the fun of holding Rosie, the tarantula, at the Butterfly Pavilion.  In fact, he generally likes to get right back in line after he's held her the first time.  This particular day we went as guests of Darby's (and Vince's), and little did we know that we'd be inheriting an annual pass by the time we were leaving!  Will and Darby had been our neighbors since we moved to Abbey St. 11+ years ago, and they just recently moved down south (Highlands Ranch, not Louisiana), which was a big adjustment for all of us this fall.  Darby didn't think that they'd be coming up north enough to use the Butterfly Pavilion pass, so she transferred it to me!  That's the kind of friend she is. 

I rarely hold Rosie, but I felt like I could be brave that day, especially when Gage was holding my other hand.  Forget the cute is my son?! 


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