Grampa T & Grandma S visit from Arizona
It was after Thanksgiving when Dad and Sandra were in town and spent the afternoon with us. Sandra brought the boys some of that new "mess-free" sand, and it was a lovely Colorado day to play outside.
Grampa T brought us some lemons straight from his trees, and I'll take those any time!!! They have a beautiful lemon tree right in their back patio area, and it yields more lemons than they know what to do with. Apparently, it's pretty common to see boxes of lemons and grapefruits left out in front of people's houses during citrus fruit season. I would be all over that!!!
My dad cracks me up! He likes for pictures to be "natural," so he's more and more opposed to staged shots, or even ones in which people are looking at the camera. Notice, please, that he's the only one NOT looking at the camera in the above shot. Oh, Dad, you make me laugh!