The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Gavin's Birthday Party

Gavin requested a soccer birthday party this year, and we were happy to comply, especially Coach Daddy.  We picked a park with an adjacent soccer field, and the kids (and some parents!) had fun playing a little game.  The other coach and our friend, Tim Allen, was an active participant and was hilariously ruthless with the kids during the game.  It really was a lot of fun!

It was a super windy day, and the windiest part was right when we were trying to sit for a few minutes and eat pizza, of course.  Parents were encouraging their kids to hold down their plates, and none of us could leave anything unattended for a second, lest it be carried off by the wind.  The kids had a great time playing together on the playground, and Gavin invited a fun group of old friends and new. 

Gavin, we are blessed to be your parents.  You are a wonderful kid who impresses us, surprises us and makes us laugh.  God, you did SUCH a good thing when You created Gavin Elliot Koel!!! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Birthday Boy

Look at my 8-year-old Gavin in his new bike jersey from Uncle Zachie and Auntie Lorna! (Don't worry:  We won't let him wear it over a collared shirt when it comes time to bike ;) )

It has become an annual tradition to go to Boondocks on anyone's birthday in our family, ever since we learned about the free pass (complete with a bunch of game tokens) for the birthday person.  The kids are both highly motivated by the tickets and, in turn, the crappy junk that one can "buy" with said tickets.  And it never ceases to amaze me that both kids act surprised when the junk doesn't stand up against a fly's wing.  

This year, Gavin is old enough and tall enough to drive his own go-cart on the big track!!!  He was pretty psyched about that and did it several times.  Gage likes to watch his big bro do most anything, but he was also happy to ride along with Mama (see below).

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hawk Visitor

It may be a little difficult to see, but Brent caught a glimpse of a hawk drinking from our bird bath (thanks, Dad!) the other day.  Very cool, and I'm bummed to have missed it. 

Monday, September 7, 2015


Trying to remember the occasion for this, but really when has Gavin needed an occasion for being goofy or just awesomely creative with a side of wacky? 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Flagstaff Hike

Man, our boys really love to hike!  I'm so thankful for that, because I love hiking, and I think that Brent has come to enjoy it more since having kids.  This was a gorgeous day for a hike, and Brent's idea was to do the hike from the trail head at the base of Flagstaff road.  I hadn't done that hike in years, so I was way up for it, and my ankle did really well that day, which I was so thankful for. 

Both kids want to off-road it and climb everything in sight when we hike, and that freaks cautious Daddy out a lot, which can be a challenge. 

We both say that the boys are totally in their element when they're outdoors, in general, but the way we let them experience it is different.  I am more apt to let them roam more freely, which can be risky I admit, and Brent is more likely to establish boundaries and call them back to the course.  When we're doing it well as parents, the combination of styles is probably a good balance.  

I  wish you could see Gage's cute face here a little bit better.  That boy has turned into SUCH an amazing little hiker!  He's often in the lead as we all head up the trail together. 

This picture was taken at the amphitheater on Flagstaff where our friends, Malia & James, got married a few summers ago.  (Come to think of it, I bet it's been more than a few summers ago.  My estimates of time passed these days feel a lot like my estimates of a Thai woman's age when I was in Thailand in usually have to add at least 10 years to your initial thinking!)  It was a beautiful wedding, Malia, and I remember it fondly.  Miss you, Friend!