The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Estes Park - Part 1 of 2

I can't believe how big my boys look in pictures...OK, and in real life!  We always have a blast going up to the YMCA camp in Estes, and this trip was no exception.  Even with Gavin being extremely sick this trip :( we really had such a fun, memorable time.  We thought he was just experiencing motion sickness on the drive up (we stopped in Estes to buy some Clorox wipes to clean the van, and world's sweetest brother, Gage, was down on the ground cleaning up his brother's vomit), but it unfortunately turned into a full-blown stomach bug of some sort.  I have to say that both boys were real troopers, and it was good practice for me to get up during the night to help Gavin when he was throwing up.  (Let's be honest, I haven't done much of the late-night duty since I finished nursing!) 

And, thankfully, there were enough good moments during the day for Gavin that we still got to play outside, visit the arts and craft shack, play mini golf and do all of the other wonderful things we enjoy doing when we go up to Estes.

Just look at him--so giant and so adorable! The kids liked playing at the park outside of the arts and crafts shack, and I think it had just been re-done recently before our arrival. 

You really can't tell from these pictures that Gavin was a sick puppy for much of our stay this round.  This picture was taken in the boy's bedroom.  Bless his heart, Gage slept through all of Gavin's trips to the bathroom, and housekeeping at the YMCA was AWESOME!  And, honestly, I was so thankful for the energy and sense of responsibility that God gave me to handle all of this on my own. 


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