Mom and Dad date with Gavin
Gavin often feels like he gets the short end of the stick when it comes to spending time with his parents as compared to Gage. I am not sure that's really an accurate assessment, but it could be linked to the fact that he ends up needing a bit more time to himself in his room do to behavior issues. In any case, Gage had a birthday party or some other even that kept him through the dinner hour and it gave us an opportunity to spend some valuable time with our son and the two of us. We let Gavin pick the restaurant and he picked the Village Tavern. Quite contrary to the belief of some people *cough Tara*, he chose the place all on his own out of a list of approximately 20 restaurants. This picture shows him getting cozy with mom while we read some books with him and waited for dinner to arrive. These times are so special. I realize more and more each day how intentional we need to be to have more experiences like this in a more regular fashion. Life just finds a way to get so busy and you can never go back to times like these.
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