The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Austin Family Vacation - Day 2, Part 1 of 2

Man, Gage is a ham in this picture--I love it!  He's wearing a pair of red sunglasses given to him that day by his Uncle Zachie, and he latched onto those things for the rest of the trip.  On Sunday, Zach took us to a fun hiking trail with a river that doubled as a college hangout spot that he'd heard about.  Lots of bikini-clad folks were committed to this place like a local beach, and the boys had fun playing in the water. 

It was hot that day, and I was seeking shade without a ton of luck.  Gavin and Gage didn't seem to mind squeezing in between people to continue on with some exploring and looking for bugs and aquatic life.  We found a good place to sit and listen a bit back from the water so Zach could tell us about the recent conversations with his boss that had finally led to Zach's decision to leave Aspen Heights after eight years. 

Oh man, 'tis the season of the awkward toothless smile for my youngest son, God love him.  He just throws his mouth open with all of his teeth gone and calls it a smile on demand.  


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