The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, July 18, 2016


For the first time since the boys were babies, we decided not to renew our zoo membership.  The boys didn't seem quite as into it as they had been, and they were more interested in exploring the Museum of Nature and Science right next door.  I have mixed feelings about this, because I generally love the zoo and have lots of fun memories with my boys there.  And it's been a great mid-way place to meet up with friends!  But, the museum is cool, too, and the special exhibits are especially exciting.  

This special exhibit was called Robots, and the boys really loved it!  There were robots to design and robots that copied you and robots to operate. 

Gavin and Gage had the most fun building their own "robots" and seeing how long/big/wide/fast they could make them.  I like watching the boys in environments like this, where they get to be creative and work together.  And it was extra fun for me because we met Andrea and her kids there! 


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