The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Summer Soccer Camps

Gavin and Gage both did soccer camps in July, but they were in two different programs.  Gavin did the British Soccer Camp, while Gage did Corver Soccer Camp.  The Corver camp focuses a bit more on ball skills but both are excellent.  This is probably the first year that Gavin really seemed to have fun with the level of competition around him.  What is also funny about this picture is that the boy on the right will ultimately end up on the same U10 team for the fall.

Another picture of Gavin at a water break with a big smile.  The one thing I (Brent) miss about switching jobs this year is being so far away from these camps that I can't stop by to watch some of them over the lunch hour.

Gage's camp was equally awesome and he knew several kids there including Piper and Nick.  His ball skills really are very good for his age and are impressive to watch.

He also is a very determined student and makes sure he is always on task.

At the end, he was psyched to earn this nice certificate of completion that matches is bright green shirt.  I certainly think we will sign him up for this camp in the future and maybe even Gavin too, as his ball skills need more work after jumping up two levels to U10 this year.


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