The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wheat Ridge @38 Criterium

I had a fairly rough start to the racing season this year, but I have loved this criterium in Wheat Ridge.  They put on a huge event that has lots food trucks, fun activities for the kids, and a wide open and challenging course that turned out to be the State Championship race this year.  Two years ago I was able to get on the podium for a 3rd place in the 35+ Senior Men 3 race, so previously I have had good luck here.  Above, Tara got this picture of the Senior Men 3 (SM3) field cruising by the finishing straight.  It's a bit hard to pick me out but I am about eight or nine riders from the front on the side closest to the camera.

Here is Gavin passing some time with some skillful hula-hooping action.

They never miss the face painting tent, although this year the choice in painting was a bit questionable.  I guess it did work with Gage's "missing teeth" theme for the snake mouth.  He was surely happy with his choice!

Gavin had a much more tame dragon on his arm, however you can see that with a white collared shirt this was quickly going to become some sort of disaster.  While we don't have any more pictures of the race, it ended well for me.  I placed 12th out of about 55 people in the race and ended the race while retaining all of my skin, which is always a win.


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