Austin Family Vacation - Day 2, Part 2 of 2
A fun and famous place just out of town from Austin is the Salt Lick. It's a great BBQ place with live music and a great atmosphere. We headed there to check it out for dinner on Sunday night and although there were tons of people, this place seems to be built to shuffle through an absolute mass of people.
I like this picture of Gage. He's sipping on a fresh-squeezed lemonade that we splurged on there and in the background is a guy that was playing some fairly good Country music. The fun part of this place for adults is that it's a BYOA (bring your own alcohol) kind of venue, and Lorna makes a mean cocktail.
While we waited for a table, a fun place for the kids was this outdoor park area right off of the restaurant building: the Kids' Ranch. We played there both before, and again, after we ate.
The Salt Lick is well-known for its huge open grill, where they cook up the choice meat we dined on, like the yummy brisket. About a week after we got home from this trip, Brent was flipping through the TV channels and saw a special on the Salt Lick and footage around this same grill! Gavin got a kick out of watching the chefs apply more BBQ sauce to the meat with what looked like a big mop. This place evidently serves more than a million pounds of meat every year!
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