Austin Family Vacation - Day 5, Part 1 of 3
On the fifth day of our trip, we took a short road trip to Boerne (about an hour and a half from Austin) to visit Tara's good friends, Lora Beth and Javier Escalante. They live a bit out of town on a small farm which was a major highlight for the kids. Gavin was informed it was difficult to catch the chickens that were free ranging it, which he immediately took on as a challenge. It didn't take long and he ended up with this fairly large white chicken.
Javier, being an extremely patient, fun, and hilarious person, informed the kids that he was a "Chicken Whisperer" and could put the chicken to sleep by speaking into its ears. He quickly performed his magic and layed the chicken on its back and it stayed there and didn't move until he snapped his fingers. I am not sure the kids knew what to do with it, but they were amazed!
The amazement quickly subsided as there were too many wild adventures to be had on their property. Next up was to see if they could climb this huge tree. We had to quickly call Gavin back down as he was certainly up higher than we felt comfortable with.
As we walked around the property we found these wild turkey eggs. The mother wasn't too far away and when we came back later, she had nestled right on top of them to keep them warm and protected from crazy kids.
Another cool thing was the half dozen cows they had wandering their property. This guy had some pretty strong-looking horns, so we kept a safe distance.
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