The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, June 6, 2016

Austin Family Vacation - Day 3

We happened to be visiting during the week that Rylan and Camille were at VBS in the mornings, but it worked out so well for us.  Zach was at work, Lorna could work while her kids were at camp, and we had some of our own adventures.  Zach and Lorna recommended this amazing pizza place near their house, and we actually endured the heat and walked the 15 minutes from their house.   

We chose a hotel with a pool for the first two nights when we couldn't be at Zach and Lorna's guest house yet (it was occupied), and it was really fun to play with the kids in the pool and not have to adhere to any strict agenda.  The rooms, however, were not as awesome as the pool and had a bit of funk smell to them combined with some random damage to fixtures and stuff in the bathroom.  I guess you get what you pay for!

Brent doesn't enjoy swimming pools very much, but I give him credit for being a supportive daddy and good photographer in the shade.  We had fun and Gage threw up some classic rabbit ears on mom!


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