Austin Family Vacation - Day 5, Part 2 of 3
This guy wasn't going to be laying on any eggs like the other turkey, as his job was to show us that he was the boss of the farm. He was actually quite aggressive and chased us around a bit despite my threats to cook him up for an early Thanksgiving meal. I had the kids keep a good distance because it was hard to tell if he was putting on a show for the ladies or if he meant business.
Here are the ladies on the Wespa (otherwise known as a Vespa, unless you're Sid, right Zach?). It was pretty classic, and these guys even road it into town to a pizza joint where we had lunch. The funniest part was that Tara and I had assumed this place was just around the corner, but it ended up being like 15 minutes down a highway and through the middle of town. I am not sure it seemed quite the safest mode of transportation out on the real road.
Once we got back, the kids were begging for a ride of their own. Lora Beth was gracious to take them for an out and back trip to the main road next to their property. They were loving it!
Gage definitely did not enjoy this (just kidding!) as you can see his no-hands cheer as he went by.
Tara here, and one of my favorite memories of this trip was when LB took me into town to
delight in an iced creme brulle latte! One of the many things we enjoy
together is fine dining. Funny how most of my best friends also enjoy
good food and drink, and as with most things, it's even better when we enjoy it together! The boys didn't protest to our departure, as Javier (who is a sheriff) broke out the swat gear for them to try on. He walked them through his whole sheriff's SUV and showed them all the lights and sirens and where the criminals sit. It turned out to be a nice teachable moment as we discussed that they didn't want to end up in the back of his car for the wrong reasons!
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