Brent and I hadn't been to Elitches in years, and the boys had never been, and it just so happened that Andrea ended up with some extra tickets the weekend that Brent's dad was in town. I'm not one for roller coasters, but Brent is generally up for them, so he took both boys on the one in the picture above. I don't honestly know if either boy was really that enamored with it. Gavin claimed that he really liked it (but didn't seem eager to do anymore that day), and Brent said that Gage help on pretty tightly and definitely let us know afterward that he had no interest in experiencing more.
Can we all agree, however, that Gage is pretty large for this baby ride?! He loved doing it though, so I wasn't gonna stop him!
Here we all are with Grandpa Bruce. I think the only ride we may have done altogether was the ferris wheel when we first arrived. I'm glad we went (and especially thankful that we didn't have to pay for the tickets, thanks to Andrea), but I think it's safe to say that our family is not really an amusement park type of family. I'm getting more clear on that, and I'm OK with it.
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