Gavin turns 10!
It's so hard to believe we have a son who's age is now measured in double digits. The years flown by so fast! The years are not always easy, but they are always worth it and we love Gavin so much!
It's been hard to break away from the "tradition" off going to Boondocks for video games and mediocre pizza each and every year but here we are once again. Gavin wore his crown all day and evening long as he celebrated.
Perhaps this is why he loves coming. This is the picture of pure joy as he drags some enormous pile of tickets he just won across the floor to our table.
He even decided to bring a few of his closest friends (Felix and Jansen) to the celebration. They all hit the water boats to blast each other in between go cart rides and endless video games.
At the end of the night, we were able to celebrate him with just our family. It's getting hard to get that many candles on a piece of cake or brownie!