Latest Engineering Project
This giant thing was given to us by Grandpa and Grandma Mike and used to be Uncle Mike's. What is hard to tell is that when it was delivered to us this was a mound of pieces that was about two feel tall and took up our entire living room rug. It's probably got 4000 pieces to it and these guys spent three strait days putting it all together using some of the most worthless instruction pages I have ever seen. Essentially they had to look at the finished product pictures and figure out how to build it all. Gavin and Gage dove in and spent hour after hour getting this monster together. At the end it allows you to drop a ball into the top and depending on how some switches are flipped it follows three or four different paths down to the bottom where a conveyor belt brings the balls back up to the top and drops them again. I am honestly amazed at how they were able to get it together. This is also the best babysitting present ever invented as there were essentially zero fights while this thing was being constructed. We love it!