The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas at Our House

Brent and I hosted Christmas at our house this year with Brent's family.  Pam and Bob were getting their house ready to sell, and I guess our house felt like less of a drive than going to Jackie's in Littleton.  It was so different not being at Pam's on Christmas, but we had a good time at our house.  The cousins enjoyed being together, and it was nice to have a landing place for everyone on the special occasion.  

This pictures shows the full crew that was here.  Every couch and spare chair was occupied, but it ended up being nice and cozy.

Later in the day after opening all of the presents, the kids ended up downstairs in these little blankets watching some movies together while the adults had some conversation time.  We don't really see the cousins that often with them being on the far side of Denver, but they have a lot of fun when they are together.


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