The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Boulder Falls!

Tara was in school preparation mode, so I took a day off to take the kids and do something fun.  Originally, we had planned to go to Water World but the forecast had it starting to rain around lunchtime and into the afternoon.  Boulder Falls ended up being our plan B.  Many years ago with the floods, this area had been closed, so I didn't actually know if it was going to be gated off again or would be open.  Much to our surprise, it was open!  The great thing about this area is that you can park so close to the falls.  It's only about a quarter of a mile down a little trail from the parking area but it's a super cool water fall.

The kids had never been before, so they were pretty psyched.  Honestly, I can't remember the last time I had been here either but it had probably been since at least college or so.  You can climb up on the rocks right near the falls and the mist just floats right over you.  Thankfully, the water flow was fairly low because when it's really ripping you can't get to where these guys are sitting and posing.  We probably stayed for an hour or more as these guys found drift wood and other random stuff among the rocks to play in.  They did say that the water was quite frigid, though!


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