The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spring Break Trip Day 1

For this years vacation trip, we decided to take a driving trip through Southwestern Colorado and then through Arizona and back through New Mexico.  The first leg of the trip was heading down to Durango, Colorado where we spent our first night at a place called Blue Lake Ranch located about 10 minutes west of the city.  The owner turns out to be a former doctor from Boulder who now lives out here enjoying a second career and nature running this place.  The Ranch had several little "Casitas" that were spread throughout the area.

This is Gavin standing in the doorway to our little "Casita".  Each of these places had a huge whirlpool bathtub (a.k.a. Jacuzzi) and a walk in shower that would likely fit three or four people comfortably. Tara and I had a King sized bed in our own bedroom, though the memory foam mattress was a bit squishy for my back.

Here are Gavin, Gage, and Tara enjoying some couch time in front of the fireplace that is just out of the picture to the right.

Gavin and Gage's favorite part was the fireplace that was centrally located and the cozy twin beds at the far end of the room.  After checking in and exploring the place, we heading into town for some Hamburgers at the local pub.  We crashed fairly early this night, but the other highlight of this place is the breakfast.  The is a no joke, full homemade spread breakfast.  Highlights would include the fresh pressed apple juice from trees on the property, homemade strawberry muffins (that seemed like they had some rhubarb also snuck in), and some solid breakfast burritos with Hatch green chilies. 


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