The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Washington Trip

The boys went to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa Mike at their new place in Washington.  Tara flew with the boys up to Seattle and then Grandma Mike took them from Seattle to Sequim while Tara met some friends in Seattle for the week.  This picture is from their back porch looking out across the bay toward Victoria.  They have some pretty serious looking binoculars to peer out and see ships coming through the channel.

On one of the first days there, they were intending to go on a 12 mile hike to a lighthouse but go super distracted at the sight of a beach and some water that they ended up spending the whole day just in the same spot.  Here they are with some driftwood they found. 

A giant log that was referred to as "loggy" for the remainder of the trip was also a main attraction on the beach. These guys spent quite a while rolling this thing around.  Props have to be given to Grandma Mike for being super flexible with the plans and just watching these guys for hours.

Two snails were also found during the adventures and quickly became their local pets for the afternoon.  These guys love a good hunt on the beach.

Here are a few pictures of the inside of their house from later in the afternoon.  This is the dining room table that has these super large windows looking out to the bay.

Here is a picture from the side of the kitchen looking toward the dining room.

Grandpa T and Grandma S also happen to be traveling within the state of Washington at the same time and stopped by the house for a dinner.  It's pretty amazing to think that they all met up at the far corner of the United States and happened to be there at the same time.  There were tons of other adventures that happened throughout the week, but most of those pictures are with Grandma and Grandpa Mike.  Needless to say, they kids absolutely loved it and will be looking forward to their next trip up to the Pacific Northwest.


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