The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gavin and Gage Commencements and Awards

As Gavin finished out his last year at Mountain View as a 5th Grader, he was nominated to be one of the speakers for his class at commencement.  What a great honor!  He was very nervous but worked hard on this great speech that he delivered to his classmates and all the parents at graduation.

He did such an awesome job!  We took pictures of the text of the speech to capture here but he stood with confidence and spoke to what must have been close to 2-300 people.  He is really seen as a leader among his peers and we are continually working with Gavin to make sure he uses his gifts and abilities to be a force for positive change.

Gage is also seen as a leader in his classes.  He won two separate awards this year in 3rd grade as he finished up.  He got an award for "Doing His Job" and also an attendance award.


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