The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, March 25, 2019

Spring Break Trip Day 3 - Part 1

The next morning, I woke up early and snuck out in search of a running track for a quick set of intervals before everyone else got up.  We had noticed the night before that there was a really nice track at the one high school in town, but it seemed like it was on lock down protocol with chains and locks throughout the complex.  I had a secondary plan to run over to a nearby middle school which looked like it had something resembling a track per Google Maps.  Unfortunately, about 12 steps into the run I rolled my ankle!  I limped through a slow jog over to this school, which does in fact have an actual track to run on but I could only made it about a quarter of a lap into my first interval to realize that my ankle was fairly wrecked and no intervals would be happening today.  This was also not a great prospect given the fact that we wanted to do a bunch of walking and hiking in the coming days near the Grand Canyon and Sedona. 

I slowly limped home and after some ice things got a bit better, but certainly not ideal.  This was especially important because this morning we arranged for a tour at what turned out to be one of the major highlights of the trip: Lower Antelope Canyon.  This canyon is located a few minutes outside of Page, AZ and there are quite a few tour companies in the area that offer these sorts of tours.  We went with the tried and trusted Ken's Canyon Tours.  From the parking area, there is about a 5-10 minute walk down some very steep stairs into the canyon floor and then you start winding your way through these amazing views.  Above is right near the start with Tara and Gavin.

The tour lasted about an hour and we took several hundred pictures.  Here is a sampling of some of the better ones.

These pictures are mostly looking vertically up toward the top of the slot canyon.

Occasionally, there would also be some time to pose around a corner before one of the other tour members were in the background.


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