Spring Break Trip Day 3 - Part 4
After a morning at Lower Antelope Canyon, we quickly got on the road toward the Grand Canyon. This was about a 2 hour drive down to the South Rim, but also offered amazing views along the way. We were pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a total zoo and the Canyon. There were definitely a lot of people but it was quite manageable as we drove into the park. Our first stop was at this watchtower just inside the entrance of the park. The kids were quite excited to hustle over to see the amazing views.
Temperatures in the mid to upper 60s made for a comfortable time, but
there was still quite a bit of moisture from late spring snow melt
keeping the trails a bit muddy. Here is one of the overlooks beyond the watchtower. It was quite breathtaking!
Unfortunately, with the questionable nature of the trail conditions and the overflowing energy of our two sons, we decided not to take one of the treacherous hikes down the face of the canyon wall and into the Grand Canyon itself. We had actually heard that two or three people had died in the park the same week we were here trying to take selfies past the fenced areas. This kept me quite on edge, though the kids didn't seem to understand why it was such a big deal.
Here is another picture of the canyon looking West. You can see some of the late snow fall still in the Northern facing walls. After an hour or two walking along the Rim trail, we packed it up and made the trip down to Flagstaff, AZ for the night.
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