We have a Peanut!
Gavin has been talking about getting a lizard or gecko for quite some time after he learned that some of his friends had one and almost everyone at least has some sort of family pet. We finally caved in and let him get this baby crested gecko which was aptly named "Peanut". Here is Gavin on the first day home ready to put Peanut into his cage. Quite the excited one isn't he!
Here is Peanut exploring his cage after being released. Gavin had quite the amazing little glass enclosure built for him to play in! He is mostly nocturnal, so the best views of him are at night once he settles in.
Unfortunately, on day two of ownership, Peanut wedged himself between the screen and some sticky tape that was on the cage to keep a plastic piece secured on the top of the cage. My mom (Grandma Mike) was actually watching the boys and I received a frantic call at work about Peanut being stuck. He was literally hanging by his face and his arm that were stuck on the tape. We quickly determined the best course of action would be to take him back to the experts at "Scales and Tails" to see what could be done. We acted like they would have never seen this issue before, but to our surprise they said "No problem, we see this all the time...". Certainly makes you wonder, but they brought out some banana oil and lubed him up and he wiggled himself right off of the tape. Who knew it would be that easy! I thought for sure we would be working on Peanut #2 that day. Thankfully, the experts came through in the clutch and Peanut was back on his merry way in his cage.
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