The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Red Feather Lakes - Part 1 of 2

Our friends Josh and Andrea invited us to join them on a camping trip up to Red Feather Lakes.  We had been trying to go camping at least once every summer, but it is becoming more challenging now that both boys have soccer almost year round.  It is especially busy during the summer months, but we hadn't been to this part of the state and it seemed like a great getaway.  Red Feather Lakes is about two and half hours away, but seemed really peaceful and quite once we got there.

One of the first things we did after setting up the tents was to head to a pair of smaller lakes at the camp site (not the actual Red Feather Lakes).  Here is Gavin working on his fishing.  We caught one small fish, but it wasn't big enough for a meal and we had to release it anyway.

Here is an action shot of him casting.  He definitely got better as the day went on.

Josh and Andrea also provided us some stand up paddle boards to jump on and get into the water with.  These mountain ponds are fed by ice melt and this water was absolutely frigid.  I am not quite sure how the kids survived getting into the water, but it certainly was chilly.  Gage is the family expert at paddle boards and does pretty well staying on his board unless his brother tries to jump on at the same time.

Another highlight, though entirely dangerous, was this giant seesaw that the kids played on.  It either launches you into the air or drops you down from four or five feet straight onto the ground with no cushioning to be found.  Certainly a recipe to injure one's back Tara and I stayed clear of these.


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