Bolder Boulder - Solo Style
The Bolder Boulder was cancelled this year due to COVID-19, but this has become such a tradition for us that I decided to take the kids in an run it anyways by ourselves. There's a bit of risk with this, in that obviously all 50,000 people can't show up and make the same decision we did so we tried to make it a bit different but still keep the same feel. Many years ago the course actually started in a different location (you came South down 30th instead of North up it for most of the first mile) so we ran the traditional old course and we also started a bit later in the mid-morning than early like the normal race. After the first mile or so, though it joins up and for the most part follows the same course with a few minor differences. In any case, here we are all prepped at the pre-race! Gavin also brought his traditional headband.