The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Biking to the Windmills

I have certainly enjoyed the times I can get out with Gavin on the bike.  I would say that he usually is a willing participant, but doesn't quite seek out a long ride on his own yet.  We decided to try a new route this time to the Windmills that overlook Boulder.  It's a decent ride to get over there and takes me by myself probably 40 minutes each way.  Here is Gavin looking sharp as we climb up the hill next to the Omni Golf Course.  A new recent addition is that he is wearing a pair of my old Sidi shoes with the clipless pedals.

We stopped for a picture as we progressed.  You can actually see the orange sun with all of the smoke behind us from the fires that have ravaged Colorado this summer.  It almost matches Gavin's jersey color.

Here is one last picture of him.  I really appreciate these times that we have one on one together.  We get to just relax and talk about whatever comes up and get outside and experience life.  It's hard to beat times like these!  In the end, we did make it to the windmills and turned around and headed home without any issues.  This was probably the longest ride Gavin had ever done and was close to two hours in total.  Great ride buddy!


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