The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, September 25, 2020

Diamond Lake - Part 2

Some time further up the trail we arrived at a real amazing waterfall.  This place had a few stair steps for the water to come down and some great rocks to climb on and play around.  Gavin is giving the classic Borger picture arms and hands in the background.

Gage, meanwhile, decided to take the opportunity to douse himself with fresh, ice cold, mountain, glacial runoff water.  I think after he admitted that he might have made himself a bit too cold with this exciting activity.

We also spent some time helping to get some logs unjammed from the top of waterfall and helped them flow down the river below.  We probably stayed her a good 15-20 minutes playing around and was a great time just to be kids again and forget the stresses of the world down below.

 A great picture of all of us in front of the waterfall before we continued on in search of the destination (Diamond lake) at the end of the hike.


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