The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, September 25, 2020

Diamond Lake - Part 3

Actually, we couldn't leave the waterfall without setting up an irrigation system running through this wooden stick straw they made out of a weed stalk.  They had the water flow down and filter through this make-shift straw.  They were quite excited about it!

Here is one last picture up the river from the bridge you pass below the waterfall and head off toward the lake.  So relaxing and so fresh feeling to be out in nature and all its beauty.

Though its hard to see, we found these big grey woodpeckers and one was being pictured here when it turned and starting flying right toward us.  It flew just past us and continued on to the next tree looking for some dinner.

Finally after almost two hours of adventure (and about three miles of hiking), we arrived at Diamond Lake.  It was truly beautiful up there.  The water was frigid and we grabbed some snacks on a little rock by the lake to take it all in.

 I think after realizing that getting here meant we had to get all the way back, the hike out started to feel a bit daunting to these two.  They were good sports though and we started the trek back.  Thankfully, it was mostly down hill but we didn't take the time to stop much at all the waterfalls going down.  I always love getting out with these guys and having time to adventure and explore and talk about whatever comes up.  I am sure we will look back at times like these and wish we had more of them.


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