The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, December 31, 2020


We were able to celebrate Christmas with my Aunt Jackie, Uncle Karl, and the cousins this year on New Years Eve.  Part of the festivities including heading over to the local sledding hill.  This isn't your everyday tubing hill though!  We arrived to this massive hill, checked in, and then jumped in line to ride the conveyor build up to the top of the hill (which is way better than walking by the way). 

Here is the view from the top heading down with Gavin and Gage heading down.  Just a beautiful day and this hard packed hill was like a race track going down for these soft tubes.  The hill had zones that were had slightly different grades and so you could choose beginner, intermediate, and expert sides.

 Here is Gage waiting in line for another round.  We stayed for our two hour time slot and by the end I think we were all fairly exhausted.  After this, we headed over for some lunch at a local place in Frazier and exchanged some gifts for the trip home.  What a great suggestion for being able to celebrate Christmas together with the family and doing something new and fun. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Training Sessions

Gavin and Gage received personalized training sessions from their Uncle Adam as their Christmas gifts this year.  He lives in California and we are all locked down for Covid anyways so it was a great opportunity to do a remote session with him.

It actually worked out fairly well as we put him on Zoom and he could give them exercises and give advice about their form.  Both Gage and Gavin are getting to an age and competitive level in sports where workouts and lifting is a regular part of the schedule.  So, this stuff is actually becoming more and more relevant these days.  Thanks Uncle Adam for an awesome session!


Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day

Here are a couple pictures from Christmas day.  We started off as we always do with reading of the Christmas story from the bible, some monkeybread, and opening up all of our own family Christmas presents to each other.  I always really enjoy this time we have as a family together before we get to more chaotic extended family celebrations.

One of the family favorite gifts this year was from Leah and Duncan.  Gavin and Gage each received an elk shed to hang on their walls or put on their shelves.  These had been found in the wild and processed by Leah and Duncan's company.

This is Tara taking in the experience of Gage's new Galaxy globe that projects stars and psychedelic colors all around his room when turned on.

 Lastly, this is a cool medal hangar that I asked for to organize my "participation medals" as Gage calls them.  I will note that some of them are actually for winning my age group and not just for participation...

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Is it still Movember?

 I guess you can call this a case of the Movember/COVID hangover.  I decided to rock the mustache a bit longer than the usual time period and we ended up with this fairly attractive stash.  Tara was especially impressed by it and begged me to keep it but I told her it started to get a bit scratchy on my face and I wouldn't be able to uphold her wishes.  She was quite upset when I finally shaved it off.  I told her that she can look forward to next year I guess...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Tree

While typically a later affair, we got an early jump on the Christmas tree this year in the first week of December.  We made the annual trip over to our local King Soopers establishment and picked out a nice one that we all liked.  Using last year's chainsaw Christmas present, we had the tree cut and standing upright in no time at all and got started on decorating.

 Though the boys do own shirts, they are seldomly worn around the house as evidenced by this picture.  In the end, we were all excited to see the fully decorated and lit Christmas tree for us to enjoy during this Christmas season.