Moab - Day 2, Part 4
The hike through Devil's Garden had some somewhat technical spots and also had some pinch points as people had to go single file as they climbed up and around some of these rocks. Here is Gage standing with the trail behind him. Obviously with a trail like this, the kids were psyched to be able to have a reason to rock climb.
We had to take some small breaks here and there and these guys found a nice play to chill that overlooked the way we came.
Gage also found a nice hiding spot from the sun, though thankfully the weather was fairly mild. I think Gavin also tried to fit in, but it was a bit tight to get the two of them in there at once...but you know they tried.
This is Gage standing in front of Navajo Arch, though it is a bit hard to see as the arch goes through from the right to the left. The farther we got into the trail, the less people we saw hiking around us which made for a more enjoyable time. I have never really liked feeling like one of the cattle being herded around with a bunch of strangers.
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