Christmas at Jackie's
As mentioned in the last post, this year we headed up to my sister Jackie's place after we had the morning to ourselves. They are up in Granby Ranch near Winter Park and had plenty of snow on tap to play in. The plan was to spend the evening and even spend the night in their amazing, finished basement. The kids quickly suited up and headed out or some sledding on the side of Aunt Jackie's house. They first needed to get some of the fresh snow padded down to better sled down.
As you can see after several runs, it started to really look like an actual sledding hill.
Aunt Jackie has two dogs (Baily & Poppy), and this one is the larger of the two, Poppy. She just loved the deep snow and kept burying herself and just rolling around in the deep powder. Unfortunately, Gage has to stay a bit away from this one as he is allergic to dogs that shed. What is so funny about Poppy is that she is this huge dog but super afraid of strangers, so she often runs and hides when we show up.
The unfortunate part about this trip was that sometime after dinner, perhaps around 8:30 pm, my heart started pounding again and I had what in retrospect was likely a panic attack. I just felt like we were far away from any emergency services and that must have triggered something with me. After taking my blood pressure and seeing it spike again, I had to share some difficult news with the family that we would need to head down. They were very understanding, but I just hate that this heart stuff was impacting so much of my life and my family's life.