The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Gage Indoor Training

As I have been able to work through being sick, it is nice to recover and get out to take Gage out to his indoor soccer training.  This camp is through Chris Sharp's program called Core Soccer and the winter sessions are held over in Golden.  The small group work is excellent.

Here is the coach demonstrating to Gage the technique for the drill.

This is just Gage doing what he does.  He has great technical skill and form with his stance and has the athleticism to match.  I enjoy watching him practice almost as much as I enjoy watching the games. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Covid Blues

To add to the enjoyment of the times, I tested positive for Covid.  For me, the symptoms have felt like a longer bought of Strep Throat with a bit of fatigue mixed in.  Definitely not fun, but I guess it's manageable.  I moved into the basement and pulled out the queen bed and Tara just delivers my meals to the basement door for me to get when it's mealtime.  Outside of that, I think everyone else has stayed healthy in the house.  I guess the silver lining is that I am supposed to go to Boston in three weeks, so this should be clear out of my system by then.  I should also have some natural immunity for the travel.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Health Walks

In this time of struggle, Tara and I have been enjoying some long walks even in the cold weather.  We stopped to capture this beautiful sunset behind us.  The time out of the house gives us an opportunity to get away from all the distractions in the house and talk and listen better to each other (well mostly just me).

As I discussed about a few posts ago, I have been plotting my blood pressure over time to watch what it is doing and to have a better discussion with my doctor about medication decisions.  This is the graph above which shows both diastolic and systolic pressures.  It's a bit small in the picture above, but the three lumps on the left side are showing some of the issues I have been having.  Things will be fine for a few days and then for a few days they will get weird, and I will feel like something is going on.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Uncle Adam Visits

Uncle Adam made a trip through Colorado in January.  He started the trip with Aunt Jackie for a few days and then she brought him and his girlfriend down from the mountains.  We were able to expand the dining table and feed the whole crew for a nice meal.

Gage decided he would break out his special gear for some grappling lessons.  Uncle Adam has been spending quite a bit of time training in Brazilian Jujitsu lately in addition to all the strength training he does.

I would say it was almost a fair match...but it wasn't!  Gage had a great time, though, and we had some great time just catching up, comparing muscles, and laughing quite a bit.  Thanks for coming out and visiting Uncle Adam!

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Ice Skating For Gage's Birthday

For Gage's birthday (at least the family celebration part) we all went over to the Westminster Promenade for some ice skating.  We haven't gone that often over the years, but Gage has spent a fair amount of time on Rollerblades of all things.  It translates pretty well so we all got out for some laps. 

The kids took turns escorting mom around the rink as she was the most tentative of the four of us.  It is sometimes a bit nerve wracking, though, with these tiny little hockey player kids that just rip around the rink like they have been skating before they could even walk.  Anyways, I think we escaped with no real falls or injuries, which is always a great accomplishment with activities like this.  We are so happy to celebrate Gage as he turns 12 years old!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Tasty Dinner

Not that this is exciting for most, but on this ultra-low sodium diet it has been hard to find things that I can eat that still taste good.  We threw together these grilled vegetables and some marinaded tri-tip to hit the spot.  Let's see how long we can keep up the healthy eating trend.   I have been starting to learn to enjoy the small things and the small victories like a simple healthy meal with my family.