We haven't been back to my area of Kansas (northwest corner near Oberlin/Norton) in quite some time. The stars finally aligned and we many of my extended family all descended on the area which turned out to be an amazing time. Th first stop was actually in Oberlin to my Unkle Zeek and Aunt Jonna's house. My boys haven't really had that much exposure to what small town USA looks and lives like. It is a true haven for boys. Here they are exploring my Unkle Zeek's shed where women "aren't allowed". He's got everything you could think of hunting, fishing, cowboying, farmering that you could think of there.
Here is my Unkle Zeek. He is retired these days and spends a lot of time doing all the things I just mentioned. However, one of his passions definitely is new to our kids...which is shooting.
He was (and still is) a competition shooter in Kansas and is quite impressive. We went out to the range and he gave a few lessons to the guys.
After some shooter safety lessons, they were able to give it a go. The first thing Gage noticed above is how heavy this shotgun actually is. It was about all he could do to hold it up and sight down the targets being thrown.
Here is Gavin, who did a bit better handling the shotgun. It still was quite a lot to handle, but they both did great and even managed to hit quite a few targets. What an amazing experience...though I might add that the Kansas heat was kicking in something fierce! It had to have been at east 90 degrees and then you can layer on some humidity, and we were all sweating pretty good.
The highlight event of the day was a friendly family bowling competition at the Oberlin bowling alley. Here is Garret helping instruct Gavin on the proper way to bowl. He is a fierce bowler and takes it very seriously. He was surely the best bowler of the bunch, though a few of us gave him a run for his money.
After the fun in Oberlin, we continued on toward Norton. We all collected at my Aunt Randa and Uncle Steve's house. They have this amazing house for entertaining and we all gathered around to feast on some amazing food. So much fun to be around a big gathering of family. It brings back so many memories from my childhood with all the big holiday celebrations.