Gavin's Birthday
Gavin's 15th Birthday! So proud of this guy and who he is becoming as he grows older. He is strong, energetic, curious, independent, but also has a great heart. Here is a great picture of Tara and Gavin together as we went out for a nice dinner and surprised Gavin with a trip to iFly.
iFly is an indoor flying facility where you enter into this contained room (as you can see in the background) and you take turns with an instructor as they get you to "fly" like a simulated skydiving. This is the first time we had ever gone and all four of us got to get in and give it a go. It's a pretty crazy experience as you jump out there and start floating above this fan blowing air up at 100+ mph. It's fun but also really, really hard. I think with practice you could eventually figure it out but even really tiny movements in your body start spinning you out of control or send you careening forward or backwards. Such a fun way to celebrate Gavin's birthday together with our family!
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