Crawler on the loose!
Wow! Our little crawler is on the loose! He started crawling about two weeks ago, and that boy is definitely keeping us on our toes. Do you notice how well he's sitting up too? Here are some of Gavin's latest discoveries:
-Oh, I get it! The drawers go in and out and in and out....and the cabinets open and close and open and close...
-It's fun to try to stand up on the flimsiest, most unstable furniture in the house....even if it does tip over on me sometimes...(Believe me, we still have quite a bit of baby-proofing to do around here.)
-Those cords are so much fun to pull on, but for some reason Mom & Dad don't like me yanking on them...
-The plastic tray on my booster seat comes off! Why would I ever keep it down again?!
He is so much fun and is giving us both a work out just trying to keep up with him! You'd think that with all of his activity he'd be needing more sleep, but he's recently decided that he may not need his late afternoon nap at all, which can make for a very long afternoon sometimes. Poor Brent often gets an especially rough shift on Thursday's when he gets home and I immediately hand Gavin off to him so that I can go to my aerobics class. Today Gavin didn't want to sleep at all during Daddy's shift and apparently shed lots of tears in and out of his crib. (Brent had to lower his crib all the way today, too, since Gavin just figured out how to stand up in there! He's one smart cookie.)