Church time
You'll soon understand why we have no pictures for this posting. One of our most recent attempts at a weekend adventure was going to the Boulder Reservoir with some free guest passes from Brent's work. The day looked a little cloudy, and we knew that there was potential for rain, but we were hopeful that the storm wouldn't happen 'til sometime in the afternoon. We loaded up the car with every swimming and sand castle apparatus in our possession and headed to the res. (Keep in mind that it's a 30 minute drive from our house.) We commented about how empty the parking lot was when we arrived, and we noticed the dark clouds...but, again, we were hopeful that we'd get a couple of viable sand castles and maybe even some "beach time" out of the deal. No sooner than we had spread out the towels on the sand--and by that I mean maybe sixty seconds--did the rain start pelting us and the wind kick up like we were in the eye of a hurricane. Brent, bless his heart, overturned one quick bucket of sand to show Gavin the general idea of how one makes a sand castle (one of our main goals of the day) and then started hurriedly gathering up all of our stuff. And Gavin, bless his little heart, was SO confused. I'm sure, without remembering exactly, that his next words were, "Mama carry you." So I swept Gavin into my arms and covered him with his towel, Brent threw everything else in our multiple bags (because where, by the way, can even a family of three go anymore without having at least two bags to tote?!) and we all ran--and I do mean hoofed it--to the car, as we simultaneously watched the only other kids there exit the water and run for shelter as fast as their little feet could carry them. Brent and I cracked up the whole way back to the car, and Gavin did, in the end, see this as a legitimate--though presumably also rather confusing and brief--adventure. Hey, at least we didn't pay for our one minute at the beach! And our Plan B turned out to be quite fun too: the indoor swimming pool at our local rec center. We took turns going down the slides with Gavin, and Brent finally got to see his son in our new favorite invention: water wings. What a God send!