The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cruising the neighborhood

This is Gavin on his little Strider bike. It has no pedals and is designed to teach kids to balance before they learn to ride a "real" bike. I guess lots of kids that start on one of these can skip the training wheels step altogether.
Gavin is getting really good at riding his little bike, and he likes to put on his helmet with flames. We make lots of stops for "sleeping worms" and the like while we're out on rides. It's gotten so much more fun for us now, too, since we don't just push him with his feet up.
Sometimes you don't know what you're in for when you set out on a little neighborhood cruise, even when you make the end of the block the final destination. I do much better with this activity when it's not 9o degrees out and all we're doing is shade-hopping. It's a lot of fun for me to see Gavin getting so excited about his daddy's favorite hobby.


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